It isn’t enough simply to have interesting copy on your financial website. Ensuring your copy is SEO optimised is critical when it comes to driving organic traffic to your site.

Strategic copywriting is one of the most successful ways to place you ahead of your online competition. What many people don’t realise, however, is that SEO optimisation goes beyond keyword research.

Crafting copy that is clean, concise, interesting and targeted towards your key SEO words can be a difficult task. Here are 4 simple best practices to ensure that your financial copy is fully SEO optimised, without having to sacrifice your message.


1 – Be Strategic With Your Key Words

The most important thing to remember when it comes to SEO optimisation is to avoid ‘flooding’ your copy with keywords. Many people assume the more keywords the better, however, Google now penalizes sites that overuse keywords.

Going for keywords rather than quality will only see your site be pushed lower down in the search engine rankings. The key is to incorporate them strategically, while ensuring that your copy (and your business) remains credible.


2 – Improve Readability

When it comes to financial copywriting, the complicated subject matter can mean it’s often easy to get bogged down in the fine details. This can lead to long paragraph after long paragraph, which not only turns your audience away, but also makes it difficult for Google to put you high in the rankings.

Look through your copy and add in bullet points, headings and subheadings. When it comes to headings be sure to include popular key SEO words, as Google ranks these higher than body copy.


3 – Add References and Backlinks

This tip is particularly suited for financial copywriting as there are numerous credible sources you can reference that will help to enhance your readers experience. Including backlinks to other sites signals to Goggle that your site and content are of high quality and value.

It is worth remembering that backlinks work both ways. So reach out to other businesses or brands who you think would be willing to link from their site to yours, whether it’s directly to your services, home page or even one of your blogs. Credible links all count towards your SEO rankings.


4 – Edit, Revise Proofread

Proofreading may sound like an obvious point, but it’s actually more important to your SEO than you may realise. Having content on your site with poor spelling and grammar will hurt your search engine ranking, as Google will read your site as being un-credible, in turn pushing you down.

If you’re the type of person that misses your own mistakes, take the time to have a third party look over your copy for you. Or better yet, hire a specialist financial copywriter who will be able to create SEO optimised copy, that also engages your audience.


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